sábado, 15 de setembro de 2007

The New Digs

Thought I'd post some pics of my apartment here in Santos Design District of Lisboa. I'm in love with it, although it is a tad lonely without roommates yet!

The Front Outside Door
The Front Door to my Apt!

Here is the HUUUUGE living room. There is a big window and two French doors.

The view from the mini balcony of my street, Avenida Dom Carlos I.

The Kitchen

My Room!!

with a big bed! YAY

and its own banho!

and lotso closet space

6 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Oi Alana,
Sou eu seu professor de português. E aí, o que você acha do sotaque dos portugueses? Muito legal, né? Curta bastante e aproveite especialmente da gentileza e dotes culinários dos portugueses. Boa sorte!
Tucson, AZ

Ms. V disse...

Bitch, that apartment sure looks better than Argentina!!! I misses you

salees disse...

damn girl...looks amazing!! Enjoy it!

Anônimo disse...

This is so great ..... love the pics. And your commentary is so entertaining. LUM

Unknown disse...

damn girl! your place looks amazing!!! beautiful!

Anônimo disse...

Sister your apartment is amazing!!! I feel like I'm looking into a traveling catalog for portugal! i love you and miss you muchooo <3